15 Bon Street
Alexandra VIC 3714

Phone: 03 5770 2100
Fax: 03 5772 2360




  • Chair, Ian Gibb
  • Vice Chair, Margaret Baker
  • Treasurer, Stephen Costley
  • Secretary, Sara ‘Sally’ Meggit
  • Member, Reece Bowerman
  • Member, John Scott
Kellock Lodge is governed by a Board of Management who represent the Members of the Incorporation and are responsible for:
  • Setting the strategic direction of the organisation and monitoring its implementation by the Chief Executive Officer and senior team
  • Monitoring the organisation’s performance against key performance indicators, including clinical care and financial indicators
  • Monitoring the organisation’s compliance with relevant legislative requirements and ensure this is appropriately documented
  • Making decisions on the basis of its documented governance policies and procedures as contained in the Board’s governance system.
The Board of Kellock Lodge place a high value on:
  • Providing quality residential care in a homely environment
  • Continuing as a ‘Not for Profit’ organisation servicing and participating in the community
  • Providing programs of choice for residents to continue voluntary personal development as a valued member of society
  • Maintaining quality staff with skills appropriate to the level of care required
  • Providing staff and residents with a secure and safe environment
  • Fully embracing concepts of quality assurance – management commitment, education resources and leadership


The Board of Management employs a Chief Executive Officer to lead and manage the organisation’s operations, including the implementation of the strategic direction determined by the Board of Management.

Chief Executive Officer: Tania Hunter

Director of Nursing: Amy Webb

Manager Corporate Services: Maria Price